« blog 2022-03-14

Tech Debt and Taxes

In Reframing Tech Debt, Leemay Nassery suggests framing technical housekeeping positively — as building “tech wealth” — to convince business and product stakeholders it’s worthwhile.

If I were one of those stakeholders, a self-professed customer-obsessive, I’d balk (rightfully!) at the idea of a secondary system of value independent from the user experience. “What does ‘tech wealth’ mean for a customer?” Fair question!

I think a negative framing is more useful here, but Nassery’s suggestion that, say, refactoring a program yields a resource to reinvest gets at the issue with calling it “debt.” Technical “debt” sounds like a fixed cost that can be deferred; more accurately, we should say debt exacts an ongoing tax from go-to-market teams. The costs of quick development may be hidden, but they aren’t externalized.

If you make implementation shortcuts in the name of product velocity, but you don’t have the discipline to clean them up, those shortcuts will eventually be counterproductive to the speed-of-delivery you hoped to prioritize. Changes to a codebase are more often integrative than strictly additive: they have to contend with the code that’s already there. Writing sloppy code today means writing code slowly tomorrow.

In each of these cases, tech debt’s the common enemy of the product stakeholder and even the most navel-gazing, customer-indifferent engineer. While the underlying debt isn’t addressed, the stakeholder pays a tax — as a delay, or as systematic under-verification that’ll eventually yield bugs.

This dynamic is particular to API and product debt — unnecessary complexity in how parts of the system interact with each other (interface and data model design, documentation, and testing practices) or the space of customer states (feature flags and billing). These forms of debt tax new projects in proportion to those projects’ complexity; big projects and radical changes in product behavior are proportionally punished. Of course, not all “tech debt” should be prioritized this way; poor database performance might usually be considered debt, but it’s less likely than an unexpressive API to derail your next feature.

The usual refrain — including in Nassery’s article — is to preallocate blocks of time for building tech wealth. The “tax” translation from tech into customer impact should let a team prioritize specific tech debt initiatives, according to the same criteria as features.2

Unsurprisingly, it falls to engineers and their managers to use this framing device effectively.

Business and product stakeholders can take some proactive action.

The issue with “tech debt” and “tech wealth” is that they underemphasize software’s impact on a company’s agility, its ongoing ability to adapt to serve its users’ needs. Without recourse to customer value, advocating against technical debt means advocating for a separate and competing system of value, something business and product stakeholders are right to treat with skepticism.

Emphasis on the productivity impact makes technical debt expressible in the primary system of value, where it’s comparable against — and can be prioritized over — any other company initiative.

Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design (Kletz 1998) reminded me of this essay. A process plant designer can intervene to prevent hazards (e.g. a “snakepit” plant layout), but investors don’t value hazard mitigation for its own sake. Quoting Kirkland,

This cannot all be the fault of the “money men” and their failure to understand us. It is often much more our inability to express ourselves in a language they can understand.3

I’m more optimistic than Kirkland. I think the “money” stakeholders do understand hazards, but that they’re better-equipped to predict and prioritize money. To that end, Kletz offers napkin math:

Remember that if it costs $1 to fix a problem at the conceptual stage, it will cost

Software could use some equivalent with costs in various stages of planning, development, and deployment. “Hazard” may be a better analogy than “tax” for describing the running cost of technical debt.

Jamie Brandon discusses technical debt in terms of a team’s “complexity budget.” That post argues complexity compounds rather than exacting a tax:

Complexity limits how much of the system can fit into the heads of the developers, and in doing so breeds more complexity. Every time you are forced to do something ugly in one place because of existing ugliness in another place you are feeling this cost.

Moreover, complexity isn’t linearly costly: at certain thresholds, a small complication may dramatically impact your effectiveness. Conversely, when the team is small — maybe it’s just you! — and the program is simple, complexity seems free. That’s what makes technical debt so pernicious!

Worse, there are cliffs in the cost. As soon as a particular subsystem cannot fit into the head of a single developer there are huge additional overheads for communication. Opportunities for improvements or simplification are missed because no one person can see all the parts of the problem.

In hindsight, “interest” is a better extension of the debt analogy than “tax.” Avery Pennarun follows that terminology to extend the metaphor even further: differentiating between high- and low-interest technical debt, describing debt-income ratios (a better formulation than my sketchy footnote calculus), and so on.